Our Mission

At Berks Foot Specialists, P.C., our goal is simple…to treat your foot problems in a professional, straight-forward, cost-effective manner so that you can keep doing all the things you love!

What We Offer

At Berks Foot Specialists, P.C., we offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical foot care services. We understand that, in most cases, surgery should be reserved as an option for those conditions that do not respond to less invasive care. Still, there are times when foot surgery is the most expedient pathway to recovery.

Some of the more common surgical foot conditions we treat are bunions, hammertoes, heel spurs, ingrown toenails, flat feet and other foot deformities. While fractures of the feet are usually treated conservatively, these occasionally require surgical fixation for best results. 

Many other conditions are best treated conservatively. We offer corn, callus and nail trimming for diabetics, non-diabetics and patients suffering from fungus (mycotic) toenails. We treat sprains, strains, broken bones and all other foot and ankle injuries. Heel and arch pain are common reasons to visit our office. We also see children for foot conditions including plantar warts, ingrown toenails and gait problems.


Wound care is an exciting new sub-specialty of foot health. In addition to surgical debridement of foot wounds, Berks Foot Specialists, P.C. offers a variety of advanced wound care products and services to speed healing of stubborn wounds.

We prescribe and dispense a variety of Solo foot orthotics (arch supports), braces and Dr. Comfort diabetic shoes. Our orthotics are created using the Tomcat digital foot scanning system. Diabetic shoes are generally covered by most insurance plans.

We utilize the 20/20 Imaging digital x-ray system for foot and ankle imaging. This avoids harmful chemicals used to develop traditional x-rays and offers excellent image clarity and the ability to view and transmit digital images remotely for treatment.

Our office is also essentially paperless. We use the Medent medical records system for a secure, environmentally-friendly, comprehensive medical records system.

We often get phone calls asking “Do you treat this condition?”. If the problem is related to the foot and ankle, the answer is “Yes”. If you're ready to have your foot condition treated, give us a call!